Monday, June 21, 2010

no, no, baby don't do it
you have no reason to do it
you're perfect in my eyes

no, no
watching the silence fill your eyes kills me inside
don't wanna lose you forever
you'll be gone forever
never to be seen again
my invisible ghost
roaming the earth, lost, stumbling
searching for who you are

we're losing this battle we call life
you fall into the arms of death
forever lost, your soul searching for it's end
you make it seem like an accident
but it's no accident

no, no
watching the silence fill your eyes kills me inside
don't wanna lose you forever
you'll be gone forever
never to be seen again
my invisible ghost
roaming the earth, lost, stumbling
searching for who you are

no, no, we all know you
amazing, full of life, but now
your gone, gone
your soul searching for it's end
searching, searching for who you are

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