Sunday, November 29, 2009


Sherbrooke has definitely impacted the way I think
about society, the environment and even some
situations with my friends. I’ve only been at
Sherbrooke this year; it’s been a great year.

I would have to say Sherbrooke is more my
style compared to Monbulk. Like any other
school, Sherbrooke has its ups and downs,
but the students and teachers are a lot
more caring. At Monbulk there are levels
of popularity, like if you drink and smoke
you can hang with “the cool kids”, if you
do crazy stuff at school that isn’t mean
towards others for example running around
making loud noises,

you would pretty much be hanging with me
and my friends “the outcasts”, so you could
probably figure outI got bullied. When I
moved to Sherbrooke I knew a few people
and I had a feeling it would be a lot like
Monbulk, but I was wrong, everyone in yr
9/10 is very accepting and everyone gets
along no matter what differences they
have, I mean there would be the occasional
disagreement between certain people, but it
usually blew over eventually.

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