Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sun Rising, The Rays Shine Through The Cracks In My Curtains
The Bright, Blistering Sunshine Hurts My Eyes, My Body So Stiff
My Head Aching, It's Hard To Breath, Struggling To Keep Myself Alive
My Feet Hit The Ground, It's As If They Haven't Seen It For Months
Taking A Shower Should Help Me Relax, It's Hard To Move
The Warm Rushing Water Runs Down My Back To The Floor Tiles
I Stand In The Shower Making The Water Hotter And Hotter, But
The Water Resists, It Doesn't Feel Any Hotter, Just Heavier, Intense
My Toes Start To Burn, Finger Tips So Old And Frail Looking
Getting Out Sounds Like A Good Idea, I Get Out Feeling Worse
Maybe If I Eat Something I Might Feel Better, Bacon And Eggs, Yum
It Tastes Alot Better Than The Taste I Woke Up With, So Profoundly Bitter
But I Still Feel Terrible, I Walk Off To My Room, Fall Onto My Bed
I Lay There Wondering What Happened Last Night
What Went Wrong? Why Do I Feel So Disgusting And Dirty?

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