Saturday, January 23, 2010

something i wrote a few days ago..

every thought of you hurts, every photo of you still makes me smile.
each step harder than the first, staring straight ahead like i have no destination anymore.
stuck between two situations, heart battling head, love battling hatred, trust battling fear.
being alone sounds good, although being alone with my thoughts could make me insane.
everything has gone hazy, everyday feels worse than the last, everywhere i go isn't as bright as i remember.
i went to that place we used to hang and it made me cry, i walked home and ran to my room, only to have my mum walk in and ask what was wrong, but i didn't know what to say to her and i didn't want her to feel like she had to fix this.
the last time i saw you i didn't know what to say, i just said what came to mind.

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